Category Archives: News

Bodhi Path annual meeting

The Dates to Save are SEPTEMBER 25-28, 2009.

September 25 and 26, Friday and Saturday, will be Shamar Rinpoche’s Teachings, on the subject of Lojong.

September 27, Sunday, will be Dharma related activities.

September 28, Monday, will be the Annual "business" meeting, featuring inter-center dialogue and information sharing.

As the details of the program develop over the next 6 months, we will be sending updates with more specifics.

Please visit Bodhi Path web site >>>

Teaching in Virginia, USA

Mind Training, or Lojong, is a comprehensive practice, which embodies the entire path to awakening. The Buddha recognized that we suffer because of our negative actions. Conversely, when we act positively, everyone benefits. In order to act positively in any situation, we must train our mind.

Mind Training nurtures and cultivates Buddha Nature, that pure seed of awakening at the heart of every sentient being. It has the power to transform egotistical self-clinging into selfless generosity and compassion. Put into practice diligently, Lojong can lead to full awakening.

H.H. Shamar Rinpoche has completed a soon-to-be-published book, The Path to Awakening, A Commentary on Ja Chekawa’s Seven Points of Mind Training, Edited and Translated by Lara Braitstein, PhD. Join Rinpoche as he explains this profound practice, and helps students understand the Lojong path. Rinpoche concluded the program by giving the Bodhisattva Vow.

To see some pictures, click here >>>

Teaching in Renchen-Ulm

Shamar Rimpoche visited the Boddhi Path Center in Renchen-Ulm, and gave a course on Lojong, the 7-Points Mind Training.

This course with Sharma Rimpoche was the beginning of a very detailed and precious transmission that will be continued with two more courses to follow.

Sharma Rimpoche has composed a new text based on Lojong, which will be published shortly.

The course began with introductory explanations, and detailed explanations on the first of the seven points-The Preliminaries

Rimpoche spoke of the four contemplations which turn the mind away from Samsara; also about Shine, the meditation of calm abiding. Rimpoche gave precise instructions as to how to practice Shine correctly; either as beginners, or as advanced practitioners. He emphasized the practice of Shine a great deal, saying that it is the basis of all Buddhist practices, and that there is no enlightenment without Shine.

To practice correctly, one must practice step by step, starting slowly to develop stability, and continuing until there is a real experience of mental peace. Rimpoche asked us to practice Shine in this way, in order to progress to the point when we will be ready for further instructions in the next course.

Rimpoche also gave the Buddha Amitabha Initiation/Empowerment on Sunday, combined with Tsok offerings.

More than 200 International guests attended this wonderful event, and more than 300 guests participated in the Buddha Amitabha initiation on Sunday.

Translation in German, English, French, Italian and Danish were provided. Participants came from twelve countries in Europe.

The atmosphere during this international course was very joyful and inspiring. We are very much looking forward to Rimpoche’s next visit, and the continuation of his teachings.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Shamar Rimpoche, the translators, and to the many other people who helped to make this occasion possible.

The Boddhi Path Team of Renchen-Ulm

April – May 2008, Shamar Rimpoche activities


April 2-11: Program in Hong Kong
This series of lectures (7th – 11th April) describes the path of Vajrayana practice and its essential meaning.

May 9-12: program in Renchen-Ulm, Germany.
Rinpoche will be teaching about "The 7 Points of Mind Training / Lodjong" and will also give an initiation/empowerment to Buddha Amitabha.

May 3-4: Program in Vienna, austria.

May 23-25: program in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, France.

The new Primary School of the Tilopa Institute

In Northern India, about 30 kilometres from Dharamsala, in the lush foothills of the Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh, close to the place where the Mahasiddha Tilopa realized Mahamudra, a new Primary school is being founded by Shamar Rinpoche. The place has a striking vista of the mountains, and is perfectly suited for studies and meditation.

The school is situated on a nearly 10.000 square meter property, acquired in 1991 by the Tibetan nun Ani Pema Sangmo. According to Shamar Rinpoche’s instructions Ani Pema Sangmo has nearly single-handedly orchestrated the building of the school.

The main target of the school is to train qualified Dharma translators. The work of the translators will be an ongoing contribution to the future by ensuring that Buddhism remains accessible in its full diversity to the whole world.

Forty students between the ages of 7–14 years will begin a seven year program of basic training for this target. Alongside the main emphasis of Tibetan, Sanskrit and English languages, general subjects such as mathematics, geography and history are also part of the curriculum. After a successful completion of this basic education, the students will be able to continue their studies at Institutions of Higher Education in India.

The school’s interior will house 2 classrooms, a kitchen as well as dining-hall, office and the accommodations for the students. As is customary in India, the Tilopa Institute is a boarding school. The students will live at the school and return home to their families only for holidays. Three teachers will teach at the institute. All students receive free board and lodging, as well as books and other study aids.

More information:


November 2007: Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya

The 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje led the Monlam prayers for world peace and liberation for all sentient beings on Nov 10th through the 14th at the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya.
The final two days (13th and 14th) of the event were doubly blessed, as Shamar Rimpoche had arrived and was joining in the morning prayers. On the evening of the 14th Karmapa Thaye Dordje gave a “lung” for the Arya Bhadra Charya prayer of Samantabhadra. The final evening of the event, Shamar Rimpoche gave a “lung” for Jamgon Kongtrul the Great’s commentary on the Seven Points of Mind Training. This coincided with a book that was being distributed written by the Venerable Shangpa Rinpoche on “Lo Jong” practice.

Report and pictures on The Karmapa Documentary Project Website >>>

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August 2007. Summer Course. Renchen-Ulm, Germany

Dear Friends,

We are happy to offer you the possibility to register now for the summer course 2007 of Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche.

The course will start August, 3rd and end August, 10th. Rinpoche will give the following teachings:

Philosophical part
– “The 8 groups of consciousness”
– “The 3 faculties of all-inclusive consciousness”

Meditation part
– “The 7-points mind-training”
The general teachings of the so-called 7 points of mind-training will be given in the center by different teachers. However, the Kadampa tradition of mind-training (lojong) has many profound levels. Rinpoche will start to give those advanced levels of teachings this year.

The course should take place in the new meditation hall here in the house, which yet has to be finished. This will not be possible without your help and support.

It would be a great contribution if you could participate in this work – in whatever way. You would participate in the completion of a meditation hall with a size of 114 m², which should provide enough space for the next summer course (and many others).

The support of such a project is considered to be very meritorious and beneficial. You will have a part in all the benefit that is emanated and this will certainly be limitless.

Our account number:
7901896600, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, BLZ 43060967
or the international Bank codes:
IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 7901 8966 00

We are very much looking forward to this course and to welcoming you!

With warmest regards,
Your Bodhi Path Team

Sabine Teuber

Bodhi Path – Buddhistisches Zentrum der Karma Kagyü Linie
e.V. Kaierstr 18
D-77871 Renchen-Ulm
Tel: +49 (0)7843-7232

April, 2007 teaching program in California

On 8 April, 2007, Shamar Rimpoche concluded the three day program in Northern California.

During the first two days, The Four Stages of Mahamudra Meditation by Kunchen Pema Karpo was taught at Stanford University.

The Bodhisattva vow was given on the last day at the Bodhi Path Buddhist Center in Menlo Park. The participants were mostly members of Bodhi Path Buddhist Centers from around the world. There were also members from various other Karma Kagyu Centers.

January, 2007 Shamar Rimpoche met Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche

Recently, on January 9, 2007, His Holiness Shamarpa Rinpoche met His Holiness Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche at 10 a.m. in the Oberoi Intercontinental Hotel at New Delhi, India.

In 2005, while Shamarpa Rinpoche was teaching in Hong Kong, he received a phone call from H.H. Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche. During the conversation, Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche mentioned to Shamar Rinpoche that, during his recent meeting with Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche at Bodh Gaya, Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche had requested him to arrange a personal meeting with Shamar Rinpoche. Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche expressed that if this meeting between Shamar Rinpoche and Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche could take place, it would bring positive results for everyone.

Shamar Rinpoche himself was open to this meeting. However, he told Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche that he could not decide about the meeting at that very moment. He wished to wait until he was back in India to give his reply.

After he arrived in India, Shamar Rinpoche sent a written letter to Drigung Chetsang Rinpoche thanking him for conveying the message from Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche. He also mentioned that the meeting with Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche was not possible at that time. The reason was because in the past, some corrupt politicians in Sikkim have misused the name of Orgyen Trinley, and collaborated with China. As a result, their actions have greatly aggravated the government of India. Therefore, for Shamar Rinpoche to meet with Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche at that time would invite unwarranted suspicions from the India government upon himself.

Early this year, Venerable Chokyi Nyima of Ka Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Nepal met Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche at Bodh Gaya. Once again Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche mentioned his desire to meet Shamar Rinpoche and requested Chokyi Nyima to arrange a personal meeting with Shamar Rinpoche. This time, Shamar Rinpoche, respecting Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche’s invitation, proceeded to arrange a time to meet.

During the meeting, I observed and understood that clearly, Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche’s objective in meeting with Shamar Rinpoche was not because he was eager to go to Rumtek Monastery, nor was it to gain control of the monastery. Rather, it appears that Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche, who is now an adult, has come to realize that some of his own people, the so-called fighters on his behalf, are actually misusing his name and position for their own selfish goals. Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche expressed his strong distaste at their negative activities, which have violated the peace in the dharma communities.

At the same time, Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche recognized that it was important to meet Shamar Rinpoche. The two of them working together, would be able to restore peace to the dharma communities.

Therefore, I ask every one of you to please guard against those people who have created, and are still creating the negative obstacles in the dharma communities. I request each and every well-wisher to please support both Shamar Rinpoche, and Orgyen Trinley Rinpoche to help fulfill their wishes to restore harmony among the dharma followers. Please give them your support not through feelings of the heart, but by sound judgment of the overall situation.

Dawa Tsering, Administration of His Holiness Shamarpa Rimpoche, March 19, 2007.

Scans of the documents :

  • In Tibetan
  • In English