Sharmar Rinpoche came in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling on May, 2002. He gave a teaching on Samayas and granted 2 empowerments, Tchenrezi and green Tara.
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Visit of the Karma Kagyu Monastery, Taiwan, March 2002
Upon request of venerable Lopon Tenzin Jigme Rinpoche, the head of Karma Kagyu Monastery in Taiwan, Shamar Rimpoche arrived at CKS airport, Taipei on March 1st, 2002 to start a consecutive 12-day program including a series of empowerments, pujas and official visits. And, there were hundreds of disciples waiting in the airport to express their hearty welcome. People were exciting, waving flags and hurrahed "Tsashi Deleh" which means best wishes. Shamar Rimpoche smiled and waved to people. Some disciples presented flowers, offered kada (Tibetan silk scarf) to Sharma Rinpoche and received blessings from him instead.
Later that afternoon on March 1st, Shamar Rimpoche was interviewed at a live show named " Life Kimochi", a well-known and popular TV show in Taiwan, Chung-Tien TV station. Shamar Rimpoche explained what is the meaning of "empowerment" in front of Taiwanese audience with friendly and confident smile. When he was asked is there any qualification or limitation to people who are interested to receive empowerments, he pointed out whosever has good attitude to learn the dharma is qualified to attain the initiation. During the session, in order to stabilize the blessings, people are allowed to make a wish for the good of all sentient beings, not a negative wish or a wish only for oneself. Shamar Rimpoche tried to speak and instruct in a simple and easy way to most people who don’t have too much knowledge about the dharma. After the show, he also granted blessings to Mr. Chen, Jing-Zang, the president of Chung-Tien TV station.
Shamar Rimpoche, deemed as a manifestation of Buddha Amitabha, is the regent and guru of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa and the co-founder of the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, New Dehli, India. Shamar Rimpoche frequently travels abroad and teaches at many Kagyu centers worldwide. Having supported and instructed for more than 30 years, Shamar Rimpoche has millions of disciples all over the world. Apparently, being a holder of entire Kagyu teachings, Shamar Rimpoche has become an authentic master of Tibetan Buddhism. In general, Shamarpas has ensured the continuity of Karma Kagyu lineage, ruling during the transition period between two incarnations of the Karmapas. Both the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thinley Thaye Dorje and the 3rd Lopon Tenzin Jigme Rinpoche are identified and recognized by the Shamarpa.
The major purposes of Shamar Rimpoche’s visit to Taiwan include :
- Granting blessings for the stabilization of Taiwan
- Guiding people about the real value of virtues
- Distributing the concept of compassion, patience, and liberality
- Disseminating the doctrine of genuine Buddhism
The venerable Lopon Tenzin Jigme Rinpoche expressed that the real motivation of this invitation is: By means of guidance from Shamar Rimpoche and compassionate blessings from the dharma, hopefully, Taiwanese will regain strength to establish a safe, prosperous and well-functioned society. Lopon Rinpoche also wishes the empowerments and teachings from Shamar Rimpoche will lead us toward the enlightenment of life and the primordial nature of mind. People who are interested in Karma Kagyu lineage and the pujas held in Taipei, Tai-Chung and Tainan from March 2nd to March 12th, 2002 are freely to join. These pujas are sponsored and financed by all the members of the Karma Kagyu Monastery.
Location and phone numbers are listed below:
91-2, Dzo-Dzen Village, Dzo-Dzen Hsiang,
Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, ROC
Tel: 06-573-2103 06-573-1156
web site:
And, followed is a schedule of the pujas and empowerments held during the visit of Shamar Rimpoche:
03/02 (Saturday) 7:30pm Marpa Empowerment,
Taipei International Convention Center Rm. 201.
03/03(Sun.) 2:00pm Vajravarahi Empowerment,
Taipei International Convention Center Rm. 201.
03/05(Tue.) 7:30pm Dorjenamjong Empowerment,
The Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Tai-Chun.
03/08 (Fri.) 11:00am Welcome ceremony
at the Karma Kagyu Monastery, Dzo-Dzen, Tainan Hsien.
2:00pm Hevajra puja.
03/09(Sat.) 9:00am Hevajra puja.
2:00pm Hevajra puja.
03/10(Sun.) 9:00am Hevajra puja.
3:00pm Hevajra puja Empowerment (the beginning part).
03/11(Mon.) 9:00am Hevajra puja.
1:00pm Hevajra puja Empowerment (main part).
Activities of Shamar Rimpoche (2001)
Shamar Rimpoche Statement on September 11 Attacks.
How to React as a Buddhist to the September 11 Tragedy ?
During the past two weeks as I have traveled to several Bodhi Path centers in the United States, many members have asked me to explain the horrible acts of the terrorists on September 11and to suggest a course of action from the Buddhist perspective. I offer the following thoughts for my disciples’ guidance.
The terrorists who brought about this senseless tragedy are afflicted by ignorance and consequently can be deceived by a blind faith in a belief system that distorts the true spirit of Islam. They do not have the wisdom and proper sense of judgement to determine what is right and wrong. Because of their ignorance and blind faith, people with evil intentions manipulated and misused them. Therefore, just as we should show compassion on the victims, we should also have compassion on the
terrorists due to their ignorance.
When governments and individuals set a future course of action, their motivation or aim is the critical determinant to what is appropriate and morally correct. The seeking of revenge clearly is not acceptable in Buddhist terms. However, if a government or individual must take an action that has harmful effects but that is done for the purpose of preventing evil and benefiting the majority, this is acceptable.
According to Buddha’s teachings on ethics, I believe there are four different combinations of aim/intention and action. Listed from the most evil to the most compassionate, they are:
1) Bad or evil aim-negative or hurtful action
2) Bad aim-benign or positive action
3) Good, realistic aim-destructive or harmful action
4) Good or pure aim-benevolent action
In order to counter terrorism, governments of the world and their
leaders must pursue this goal only with the aim of benefiting everyone, including the ignorant terrorists themselves. If purely benevolent acts are inadequate to achieve this goal, then there is no choice but to engage in narrowly targeted acts designed to root out the evil of the terrorists while inflicting the least amount of harm to the innocent.
This can be accomplished through the use of our wisdom and compassion which we find through logical analysis that is a part of human wisdom.
It is important not to make decisions based on our obscured emotions.
On a personal level, we should not dwell in our sadness or fear over this tragedy. Instead, we should use it as an inspiration to develop our own compassion. We should make wishing prayers for the victims but also expand our wishes to include all beings who have suffered throughout the world. This tragedy must inspire us to achieve a vast compassion for all beings.
September 24, 2001
Teaching cycles and initiations at Karma Migyur Ling – France
web :
During his stay at Karma Migyur Ling from the 26th to the 30th of July 2001, Shamar Rimpoche gave a teaching on the " wishing prayers of mahamudra". This text, written by the third Karmapa is a summary of the path leading to enlightenment, including specific explanations on the nature of the mind.
Shamar Rimpoche expressed his joy to give this teaching for this occasion, since he explained he had just completed a few days ago the commentary of this very text : this situation created an excellent tendrel.
Both beginners and advanced students found insights to increase their understanding of the ultimate nature of reality.
On Saturday 28th of July, Shamar Rimpoche gave the empowerment of Buddha Amitabha.
Teaching cycles and initiations at Dhagpo Kundreul Ling – France
web :
During his last visit to Kundreul Ling in July 2001, Shamar Rimpoche transmitted the initiations and loungs to all retreatants getting ready to start the coming three years retreat. In addition, he transmitted the extensive Bodhisattva¹s vows according to the ligneage of the Profound Vision of Manjushri and Nagarjuna, which is an exceptional event. (It is only the second time that Shamar Rimpoche has given this type of vows in the Western World). Therefore this was a source of inspiration and practice for everybody, as well as a way to create a connection between the new retreatants and those who are continuing the activity outside the retreat centers.
Shamar Rimpoche has also blessed the great Buddha statue which is now full of blessings and which will be the center point of all practices and all offerings, turning this building into an authentic Buddhist temple from now on.
Lastly, on July 24, Shamar Rinpoché lead the Mahakala Puja in the great temple, newly consecrated. All retreatants -men and women- all lamas and drouplas, all the parents, friends, sponsors were gathered for a last farewell practice before each retreatant went to the retreat centers and start their practices.
To end this day, the droupeuns have closed the various droupkangs. Shamar Rimpoche left Le Bost the following day for Montchardon.
Teaching cycles and initiations at Dhagpo Kagyu Ling – France
web :
From July 2 – 8, 2001, Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche, in the presence of lama Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche , lama Jigme Rinpoche and the lamas and druplas of Dhagpo gave teachings and initiations at the european center of the Gyalwa Karmapa in Dordogne, France.
Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche arrived on the evening of July 1 and began teaching on the meditations of shine and laktong immediatly the next morning.
On July 5, about three hundred people came to receive the initiation of Milarepa, and on Sunday, Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche gave the Dorje Sempa initiation (transmission of Marpa) to more than three hundred fifty people.
In accordance with the wishes of Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche , a big event was organized to celebrate the silver jubilee of Dhagpo Kagyu Ling. Musicians , singers, puppeteers, mimists and story – tellers came and performed for the many practitioners and benefactors who had arrived to participate in the celebrations.
The evening of thanksgiving, which was held in gratitude for all those, who over the years had supported the growth of the center, ended with a spectacular fireworks display.
Kunzig Shamar Rimpoche left the center on Monday July 9, after having given his blessing to the sangha and student – practitioners of Dhagpo.
June 17, Natural Bridge, Virginia Bodhi path Buddhist center stupa consecration.
On Sunday, June 17, 2001, the Stupa at the Bodhi Path Buddhist Center in Natural Bridge, Virginia was consecrated in a ceremony performed by :
Shamar Rimpoche
head of the Karma Kagyü School of Tibetan Buddhism and 14th holder of the Red Crown, a lineage of incarnate lamas beginning in the 14th century;
H.E. Beru Khyentse Rinpoche
the third incarnation of the great meditation master, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, who was recognized at age eight by H.H. the 16th Karmapa;
V.V. Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche
high lama and retreat master of the Karma Kagyü School of Tibetan Buddhism.
Bodhipath web site :
During 16th – 17th March Shamarpa Rinpoche was present during the International Karma Kagyu Conference that was held in Kathmandu. After the conference he stayed in Kathmandu for a few days. During these few days many devotees visited him.
Apart from the names of the monasteries registered during the conference, an association of thirty more monasteries from Helembu (Nepal) came and put forth their support for Shamar Rinpoche and His Holiness Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje.
After that Shamar Rinpoche visited Kalimpong to inspect the Shedra (monk’s college) that is on the verge of its completion. During this week he also went to the residence of H.H. Karmapa Thaye Dorje and had an audience with Him.
After that he came back to Kathmandu on the 28th of March. Though his stay was only for a few days, many people came for his blessings. He also went to see the work progress at the foothill of Nagarjuna Hill where the new retreat centre is being built.
Following that he departed for Bhutan on the 2nd of April. There, he will be having audience with the many people including the royal family of Bhutan. He will then proceed towards New Delhi on the 8th of April.
Later during the month Shamar Rimpoche will be going to the United States of America to attend the conference that will be held in Virginia.
The year 2000
The year 2000 ended with the Kagyu Monlam, which was held at Bodhi Gaya starting on December 1. It continued for a week, and Shamarpa Rinpoche led the prayers. Thousands of monks from the Himalayan region and disciples from all over the world were present for the ceremonies. During this auspicious week, Shamarpa Rinpoche donated 50,000 Rupees to the Upasikas from the Thankabir monastery in Bhutan which was developed by the 4th Shamarpa in the 13th century. He also advised them to perform the Singjong Puja.
Starting on the January 10, Shamarpa Rinpoche visited the centers in Malaysia and Singapore accompanied by Ven. Shangpa Rinpoche. On arrival in Kuala Lumpur, a large group of people welcomed him. Over the next few days in Kuala Lumpur, he gave some initiations and performed pujas. On January 11, he gave the empowerment and ended the evening’s program with the lighting of the pagoda lamps. On the following days, he gave the Amitabha initiation, Zambala initiation and Green Tara Initiation. He also administered refuge vows for many disciples. After the Green Tara initiation, birds were released.
On January 15 he arrived at Johore Bahru and gave the Avalokiteshwara initiation. The next day he proceeded to Kuching where many disciples greeted him at the airport. While there, he conducted a series of Dharma activities nonstop.
On the same evening as his arrival in Kuching, Malaysia, he accepted the offering of body, speech and mind by the local Dharma committee, members at the centers and guests from the area. Followed by prayers for Lung Ta (Prayer Flags) on the morning of the 17th, center members assisted in the joyous event of hanging and raising of wind flags at the center to mark the never-ending wishing prayers made for the benefit of all sentient beings. At eight o’clock that evening, Shamarpa Rinpoche performed Nam-To-Shey (Tibetan for the Wealth Bestower who is one of the four guardian kings) Initiation and Fire Puja at the center. The ceremonies went on into late night, and the audience stayed also to receive the blessing of such transmission.
On the evening of January 18, Rinpoche held the Chenrezig inititation and puja connected to the "Mani Project." By the end of the evening many devotees had smiling but tired faces after having personal consultation with Rinpoche in the afternoon and attending the initiation in the evening.
The Mahakala Puja began on January 19 at two o’clock in the afternoon to request the harmonious success of activities from the Kagyu protector. Following this, Shamarpa Rinpoche gave teachings on the Chenrezig (Tibetan for four-armed Avalokiteshwara) practice. He encouraged everyone to practice accordingly and diligently.
On January 20 Rinpoche departed for Singapore where a group of eager followers received and accompanied him to the centre. The next evening Rinpoche conducted the Vajrasattva puja and initiation for which all the members of the center were present. Then on January 21, he gave a teaching on meditation relating to the Mahamudra.
The 23rd being the eve of the Chinese New Year, the Mahakala puja was performed. The next morning the Buddha Sakyamuni and 16 Arahats Puja was performed along with the long -life prayers for the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje. Many people came to wish Rinpoche New Year greetings throughout the day. On the last day of his stay in Singapore, Shamar Rimpoche along with Shangpa Rinpoche initiated the Children Dharma Class. The next morning Rinpoche left for India.
For a week or so at the end of February, Rinpoche taught Dode Gyen at the University of Hong Kong. Last fall he also lectured at this university.